
Showing posts from October, 2017

Is peaceful world an impossible dream?

                                By peace we mean state of not being interrupted or annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions. Peace in relation with socio-political affairs of world signifies “Freedom from war and conflict” .History of wars dates back to 2700 BCE and first war took place between Sumer and Elam in Mesopotamia. Later First World War (1914-1918) was supposed to be the “War to end wars” but we have to admit that it couldn't bring end to wars and conflicts rather it paved way for more bloodshed, still continuing, making inferno out of heaven. Majority of people around globe earnestly desire to breathe in peaceful atmosphere which however, seems to be an impossible dream. A look at present state of affairs really disgruntles. It literally discourages us to dream of peaceable world. Reasons are many but the main reasons that have put deadlock in the way of peace process are; g...


                                                         Despite beating drums about how Kashmir is an 'Integral part' of India, our valley has definitely never been treated as such. Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory. Even though this fact does not need any evidence, the unimplemented UN Resolutions, that lie covered in heaps of dust, speak volumes about it. Unfortunately India, which has been repeatedly and severely censured at the UN Human Rights Commission and continues to face ridicule and objections for her human rights record in Kashmir, continues to be stubborn. Meanwhile, Pakistan and China have also entered into this fray. All these countries are engaged in a race to subjugate this region. Pakistan and India in particular indulge in hot debates and express fake sympathy with the Kashmiris. B...

women in islam

    Medieval and primitive societies all over the world followed the customary precedents in their treatment of women folk, which placed the women in most agonizing and tormenting position. In medieval period, the women were treated as the serfs and subservient to men, there plight was worse than slaves ,the appropriation of which in any manner whatsoever was prerogative to men. Medieval India was not women’s age it is supposed to be “dark age” for women .It was during this period evils like ‘Sati’ Jauhar ,child marriage were predominant .In southern india girls were being dedicated to temples in the name of Gods & Goddesses and onwards were known as Devadasis ,servants of God. In pre-islamic Arabia too ,the evil practice of killing female infants was common and was matter of pride .Educating the women , her participation in decision making and sharing of power was out of one’s imagination. However with intellectual transformation ,world has realized the importan...

Let’s Deliberate Before It Is Too Late

                                         Soon after Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ( Pbuh ) left the worldly existence, there was split in Ummah that led to emergence of three major sects: Sunni, Shia and Kharijites. Sunni the largest denomination of Islam ,known as  Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā‘h  or simply as  Ahl as-Sunnah   believe   Muhammad ( Pbuh ) did not clearly designate a successor and the Muslim community acted according to his Sunnah in electing his close friend and a father-in-law, as the first  Caliph (Head of State) of Islam. Sunni Muslims regard the first four caliphs ( Abu Bakr, Umar Ibni Khitaab, Usman Ibni Afaan and Ali Ibni Abi Talib ) as " al-Khulafau-ur-Raashidun " or "The Rightly Guided Caliphs." Ahl as-Sunnah further includes four sub-sects, Hanafi, Shaafi, Maliki and Hanbali differing on the basis of principles of jur...


                                                      We live in age of IT, which can be called as “Digital Age” .Presently it is hard to imagine about life without internet, for the people from different walks of life are directly or indirectly dependent on it. From student to teacher, employee to bureaucrat, farmer to businessmen, all rely on it for one or other purposes. Farmer apparently has nothing to do with internet but he also turns to it for confirmation about weather and climatic conditions and for businessmen, it constitutes backbone of business. In addition the significance of E-commerce cannot be underestimated which is considered as most reliable form of commerce and is now gaining more and more popularity among common masses. However, everything in this universe has two faces i.e., Positive and Negative, same is the case with interne...


The terms Habit and Addiction are often used interchangeably yet there are significant differences between the two. Habits can be both positive and negative whereas addictions by their very nature are only negative. However I believe when there is dependence on good habits it becomes addiction as well. Here my point is “addiction” and not to differentiate the two. An addiction manifests itself through major negative impact on your health, relationships, employment, spirituality and life especially when it is “Drug Addiction”. Drug addiction also called substance use disorder is dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication. When you are addicted, you are not able to control your drug use and you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes. Drug addiction can cause an intense craving for drug. You may want to quit, but you find it difficult. According to WHO report there are some 500 lacs of drug addicts in world, out of which 3 million and 4 million are in India ...

Kashmir ; After 2016 uprising

       Terms like Kashmir imbroglio, Kashmir Issue are not newly introduced but exists right from the day when instrument of accession was signed. Since then there has been series of changes in political scenario however, the dimensions and contours of this issue has not gone through any transformation.       After India succeeded in containing strife and restoring normalcy after 1990 turbulence through military might, it was beyond their imagination that Kashmir would again erupt and will shook not only India but entire world and behind this would be 22 year old rebel Burhan Muzaffar Wani .The young face of Kashmir Struggle whose name echoed in highest international forum’s general assembly and who animated people of Kashmir to rise again for their rights promised to them i.e., Right to self-determination ,provided impetus to armed struggle that was believed to have died down. World witnessed the development that took place in Kashmir af...

Saffron; the Pride of Kashmir

                                                           The purple colored Saffron flowers have long been a pride of the Kashmir Valley. The valley would get itself busy from ongoing month (August) to December every year, in the process of planting to processing "Saffron”. Kashmir is globally famous for Saffron, which is best known for its quality all around the world. However, from last few years its cultivation has more or less ceased, due to multiple factors, which is a challenge to be dealt with. The fact that the cultivation of saffron in India is confined to Kashmir valley only, adds gravity to the problem. Here is my attempt to share little information about this spice.                          ...


                          Kashmir, once famous for serenity is now known for disturbance. None of the day passes peacefully. The Sun rise and sun set, both share one common point that is bringing of woe. After recent extreme bloodshed, Kashmiris once again are facing toughest challenge in the form of “Braid Chopping” .No district, no area of this conflict- torn zone has been exceptional as far as these despicable incidents are concerned. It has spread to length and breadth of the valley, leaving populace panic. No society can take mortification of their women easy, thus the protests are taking place frequently in every nook and corner of valley. However, one misses the point about the aim behind all this. Government has expressed concern, police has established helpline and announced rewards but frankly speaking, people smell rat and find its links with “ghosts of 90’s” ___ the plot aimed at creating psychosis among ...

Muslim Contribution in Science & Technology

                                 In the present era when Muslims are no more in the picture of science and technology, some people think that Muslims have always been averse to science. They have coined the term “Madrasa Men” for Muslims, which in their terminology means ‘Ignorant and backward’. Muslims and science are considered antagonistic to each other. This comes as a challenge to the Muslim science student who does not have access to his glorious past. When we revisit our history, we find the story contradictory to the present scenario. One can hardly believe that we have been pioneers in the scientific field and have titanically contributed to the scientific world. In a wide range of areas especially astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, zoology, geography, cartography, optics, photography, etc. we find the role of Muslims. According to Howard Turner , Muslims began the orga...

LET’S HOLD ON TO OUR RESPONSIBILITIES___ (2) - (Co-ed and Its Implications)

                                 No one can imagine of depriving a girl from getting education .Acquiring education is basic right of every girl and its impact on society is indisputably prominent. Efforts are being made to achieve gender equality in education all around the globe. With the gradual increase in girl schooling, a concept – Co-education or Co-ed emerged which means, the integrated education of males and females at the same school facilities. It is in fact modern concept that was first introduced in Switzerland but later on it spread to other countries as well and gained popularity, globally. Co-education is much preferred over single gender education and is promoted, intended to develop mutual respect between genders, help them to overcome fear of opposite gender, to encourage healthy competition, to subject them to co-exist...