Is peaceful world an impossible dream?

By peace we mean state of not being interrupted or annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions.
Peace in relation with socio-political affairs of world signifies “Freedom from war and conflict” .History of wars dates back to 2700 BCE and first war took place between Sumer and Elam in Mesopotamia. Later First World War (1914-1918) was supposed to be the “War to end wars” but we have to admit that it couldn't bring end to wars and conflicts rather it paved way for more bloodshed, still continuing, making inferno out of heaven.
Majority of people around globe earnestly desire to breathe in peaceful atmosphere which however, seems to be an impossible dream. A look at present state of affairs really disgruntles. It literally discourages us to dream of peaceable world. Reasons are many but the main reasons that have put deadlock in the way of peace process are; growth of population especially in poor countries, Increasing competition among people for resources, jobs and opportunities in general and for political and economic powers in particular. As the gulf between rich and poor countries widens coupled with engagement of countries in race for the technological advances particularly technologies of killing and bombarding ,technically called “Arms race” ,it appears unrealistic to dream of absence of conflict and wars.
If we analyze the prevailing situation that world is going through, we find on-going conflicts within countries and between countries have largely economic and political background. The Iraq war (Second gulf war), Syrian uprising has its roots in political and economic hegemony. Palestine and Kashmir continues to reel under gloom due to economic and political ambitions of particular countries. Resultantly, no continent, no country is free from disturbance.
Question arises, Should peace-loving people stop aspiring for peaceful world? Should they adapt themselves with status-quo? Don’t they have role to play to bring about a change in the setting. Answer is; big No .The one responsible for wars and conflicts is human and the one whose efforts can replace war with peace is also human.

Let optimism pervade and pessimism reduce to nothingness. A human, best among creatures has been bestowed with capacities to change the system around him. But how he can be cause of the change? .Gandhi puts it nicely “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.
By becoming such change, strive to become expert at living, spread love and be good to people around you. Create an island of peace in your life. If you do it, it will spread. If majority of us do this, our islands will meet and would transform into a continent, capable of overshadowing islands of rapacity, ambitions of economic and political power formed within us. We desire to live life of kings, to get lucrative employment etc. but that shouldn't be at the cost of others livelihood. It is our right to dream big but that dream shouldn't shatter dream of others. We have to strive for wining competition we enter into but that competition shouldn't push us into cut-throat competition. Every ruler wants his country to flourish, to progress and to be stable in all aspects_ socially, economically and politically but such yearnings shouldn't lead us to devastate other nations. For harmonious life, harmony in and around our habitation is important. Thus we should believe in “Live and let live”. When this passion will get breathe, day is not far when peace would thrive all around.  
To be precise, peace in world is subservient to our action each one of us takes in life. Let’s crave to transform our dream into realism and work in this direction fervidly by changing our perspective and by shifting our eyes from egotism to altruism. That is only the way to attain the goal of peaceful world. Else looking at world like people at helm do, will further worsen the condition and will take us nearer to Sturm und Drang, engulfing entire world conclusively.
In the words of Martin Luther King: “Darkness cannot drive darkness,
                                                             Only love can do that
                                                            Hate cannot drive out hate
                                                            Only love can do that.”
Writer: - Zeeshan Rasool Khan (Working in education department)




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