Kashmir, once famous for serenity is now known for disturbance. None of the day passes peacefully. The Sun rise and sun set, both share one common point that is bringing of woe. After recent extreme bloodshed, Kashmiris once again are facing toughest challenge in the form of “Braid Chopping” .No district, no area of this conflict- torn zone has been exceptional as far as these despicable incidents are concerned. It has spread to length and breadth of the valley, leaving populace panic. No society can take mortification of their women easy, thus the protests are taking place frequently in every nook and corner of valley. However, one misses the point about the aim behind all this. Government has expressed concern, police has established helpline and announced rewards but frankly speaking, people smell rat and find its links with “ghosts of 90’s” ___ the plot aimed at creating psychosis among masses to deviate them from focal point. They have sensed it as tactic of creating hysteria and behind their opinion is logic. As per inputs whenever there have been incidents of braid chopping, governmental forces appeared, used their most preferred method to quell the angry public to provide safe passage to culprit.  
I believe it would be premature to engage into blaming without substantial evidence. As reports say; such incidents have happened in other states, Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi too and in that backdrop there can be some other mystery behind this .Unveiling of which is job of administration. Administration cannot run away from its responsibilities .The administration along with police and other wings of state should come clean on what is happening and who is behind? Though they have shown some concern but establishing of help lines and issuing statements is not enough to end this menace that has periled safety of women and common people. Police enjoys distinction of unearthing and solving crimes of quite serious nature .When they can identify and arrest a person of remotest areas for stone pelting. How it is possible, that they cannot Identify and arrest culprits behind these deplorable acts, who are mischievously on prowl.
In fact, time is ripe for state government to prove their worth and for state police who have been pushed to solitude it is high time to revive their position among people. By acting against this menace they can play vital role in building confidence among people and clear their misconceptions else viewpoint of people stands correct. Failure could further deepen the cracks.
People of Kashmir have witnessed what others can’t even imagine of being tolerated. Floods, Agitation after agitation, incessant bloodshed etc. but every time they fought bravely and emerged as symbols of courage. They know strategies of handling challenges very well. However, it is saddening on their part that they turn completely blind while tackling situations at present. Thrashing, beating and attempting to lynch on mere suspicion can’t be vindicated. I accede; People don’t need advices from person like me because it is truth: Wearer knows where the shoe bites, nobody can feel the pain .The families, the communities where women faced such ghastly assaults only understand the pain it created. The reaction is natural but scapegoatism shouldn’t be practiced. Casting doubts on own people is not wisdom, harming innocents is not bravery. Before you assume, try the method of enquiry and bring humanity forth. Additionally, everyone at individual level, needs to remain vigilant, mohallah committees can be pivotal at this juncture to ensure safety of their localities and to expose perpetrators without indulging into rumor mongering, accusations and falling prey to cold-bloodedness. We are Kashmiri, we have history of beating challenges and rising from the ashes while keeping our culture, ethos intact and conscience, viable .We must continue to live with same passion and uphold our Kashmiriyat.
Zeeshan Rasool Khan – (serving in education department)



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