(Dr. Muhammad Sameer Siddiqui)

Becoming a Da'ee and contributing to the spread of Islam is obligatory for Muslims. The majority of Muslims aspire to evolve as Da'ee, but it is a matter of fortune. Truly, those who achieve this goal are fortunate. However, more blessed are those who abide by the principles of the 'Dawah' by strictly adhering to knowledge, wisdom, morality, politeness, kindness, generosity, hospitability, tolerance, etc. Throughout the world, there are many such daees (preachers) who are heard, followed, and adored globally.

Our valley has witnessed great Da'ees and scholars; whose eloquence, expertise, acceptance, and efficacy influenced the people regardless of their faith and religious sects. But, with heightened sectarianism, intolerance, and takfiri extremism, the number of such scholars has dwindled with time. Notwithstanding, there are some active preachers and scholars in Kashmir who imitate the latter. Like their predecessors, they earnestly desire to unite Muslims, promote peace and harmony, and create a conducive environment to remove enmity, bigotry, and sectarian conflict. One among such scholars is Dr. Muhammad Sameer Siddiqui, who harbours a dream of guiding youth and helping them understand Islam and its philosophy in a true sense.

Siddiqui is not new to the religious field. He has been active in this field for a few decades. He, however; shot to fame a few years ago with his extraordinary religious, social, and cultural activities.

Siddiqui belongs to a notable religious family in Aishmuqam, Kashmir. His dynasty produced saints, scholars, preachers, and intellectuals from time to time. His great-grandfather, Molana Peer Muhammad Yousuf Sahb (R.a) was a Sufi saint who influenced thousands with his enlightened guidance. His grandfather, Peer Ghulam Hassan Siddiqui Sahb (R.A.) was a Sufi, scholar, and preacher. He preached for decades and eventually restricted himself to guiding 'aspiring travellers of the Sufi path'. His disciples also achieved great spiritual status, and interestingly, Siddiqui is also one of his students and disciples. Siddiqui's uncle (i.e., son of Peer Ghulam Hassan Siddiqui Sahb), Fakeer I Millat Peer Rafiq Sahib Siddiqui, had reached the status of 'Fana-Fillah'. He would always remain engrossed in the remembrance of Allah and had bid adieu to worldly affairs in his youth. Under his spiritual tutorship, numerous people attained remarkable spiritual stations and are now in a position to guide others.

It can be said that Siddiqui possesses the genes of these saintly elders, which is undoubtedly evident from his intellect, knowledge, behaviour, character, and spirituality. On the instructions of his grandfather, Siddiqui started his career as head preacher (Imam-Hai) of Ziyarat e Sakhi Zainuddin Wali Sahib (R.a) and later at Central Jamia Masjid Aishmuqam at a younger age and created a niche for himself.

Initially, he was averse to videography, etc., and due to a lack of other mediums of communication, he remained unknown to a large chunk of the population until the recent past. As the influence of social media grew, Siddiqui, too, employed it to convey his ideas based on the teachings of the Quran, hadith, and Ahle-byat, Suhaba, and Sufi saints.

In contrast to other preachers, Siddiqui has transcended sectarian boundaries. His target audiences are not just people of a particular sect; he tries hard to reach all Muslims, irrespective of their ideologies. He assigns significance to humanity, and this is what real Islam stands for and what our legendary and historical Muslim Sufis have worked for.

He is well-versed in Islamic studies and has a profound knowledge of Arabic, Persian, and Kashmiri literature. Owing to his commendable grip on different languages, he is capable of explaining complex things in simple terms. And this has helped him to impact Muslims, young and old, and non-Muslims alike. As per our information, some non-Muslims have accepted Islam under his guidance so far, and even today, non-Muslims (Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians) visit him to discuss and debate religious and spiritual matters. His thorough understanding of Rumi's and Iqbal's philosophy, etc., is another aspect of his scholarship that attracts young and intellectual minds.

Siddiqui served as a professor of Islamic studies. He worked at the Government Degree College in Islamabad and the Islamic University of Science and Technology for some time. But later, he decided to focus on his real mission.

Siddiqui has a deep-rooted love for Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahualihi Wasallam) and  Ahlebayah (Alihi Salaam). For decades, he has been known to speak fearlessly about 'Ahlebyahh (Alihisalaam)," and for this, he is often criticized. But, being well-informed about the teachings of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and particularly Islamic history, he stands firm on his views.

His great devotion towards Ahlebayah (Alihi Salaam) seems to have two main reasons. One, he considers Hazrat Ali Murtaza (R.A) as his spiritual guide and owes all his capabilities to his spiritual blessings; two, he believes, that in present times, 'Ahlebyahh (A.s.) are not being given the importance that they deserve in view of their closeness to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, His sayings regarding them, and their sacrifices for Islam'.

His unparalleled love for 'Ahle-Byahh' has given him fame and reverence among the followers of 'The Shia Sect',  and without any doubt, Siddiqui has been able to influence them too and succeeded, to some extent, in clearing the doubts of Shiites about Sunnis and vice-versa. He is attempting further to clear confusion on both sides so that the Shai-Sunni conflict ends and the dream of 'Muslim Unification' is realised. He even thinks beyond the 'Shai and Sunni' dichotomy. He is making the effort to minimise the gulf between other sects as well like Ahle-hadith, Barelvi, and Deobandi.

In the beginning, he established an organisation, namely 'Wahdat e Millat Islamia', with the main purpose of uniting Muslims, especially Shiites and Sunnis. Under this organisation, he organised seminars and conferences on different themes, the unity of the Muslim Ummah being the main one. However, the work of utmost significance was the establishment of the Blood Donation Bank, through which local Shai, Sunnis, and others would donate blood in remembrance of Shuhadai Karbala (A.s) on the 10th Muharram every year. This unique work created a great impact and was seen as the need of the hour. Later, due to unavoidable circumstances, 'Wahdat Millat e Islamia' ceased to operate. Now, Siddiqui is leading the historical Sunni organisation Anjuman Tableegul Islam South Kashmir, and in addition to that, he has established a multi-purpose Khankah'e Hyderi (in memory of Hazrat Ali Murtaza (A.S) at Grendwan Aishmuqam. According to associates of Siddiqui, Khankah'e Hyderi will be instrumental in reviewing the lost 'Khankahi-Nizam' in the Valley of saints and will serve on different levels - religious, social, cultural, etc. Every year, under the aegis of Siddiqui and the management of Khankah, socio-religious conferences, seminars, and other gatherings are held. Free medical camps are also organised annually for the welfare of the people. He envisages establishing an Islamic college as well, which, according to him, will be advanced and will make a huge difference.

Siddiqui has a great love for the Kashmiri language and poetry. He is a poet himself and writes mainly in his mother tongue, but he hasn't published his work yet. He organises 'poetic symposiums' (Mushairas'), in which renowned poets of the valley participate and accord prime importance to the Kashmiri language. This can be counted as his contribution to his mother tongue and culture. It is pertinent to mention that Siddiqui, very specifically, inspires and encourages his associates to preserve language and culture. In religious gatherings, he lays emphasis on such issues and personally uses Kashmiri phrases and 'shurks' of Hazrat Sheikh ul Alam (R.a.) effectively to explain the topic.

Siddiqui is also a prolific writer and has contributed many research-based articles to several journals, books, etc. To keep his legacy alive, he has played the principal role in publishing the work of his great-grandfather and looks forward to bringing out the literary works of his grandfather (Hazrat Peer Ghulam Hassan Siddiqui Sahb).

Siddiqui is a visionary scholar and possesses the potential to make a mark on the valley's religious, educational, social, and cultural set-up. He deserves support for the greater good. However, those who can't afford to support him shouldn't at least denigrate him unreasonably.

Yes, disagreements are inevitable. Everyone has a right to disagree with him but without violating the rules of disagreement as disagreement is fine, disrespect is not. Also, the approach of criticising bad and appreciating good needs to be followed. And this applies to one and all.

WRITERS: ZEESHAN RASOOL KHAN is Student, Tutor, Columnist and co-author of Book 55 Stories. 


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