Syed Muhammad Ashraf Andrabi - The beacon light

In 2007, visibly an epitome of humility, an austere white bearded person appeared on the pulpit of Dargah Shareef Seer Hamdan. The person was introduced as Qaid-e-Ahle Sunnat Molana Mohammad Ashraf Andrabi (r.a) by renowned religious scholar Maulana Mushtaq Ah Khan. Though I was confident that Mushtaq Ah Khan’s admiration could never be flattery, yet the title and the appearance of a person seemed mismatch .The term ‘Qaid’ (Leader) and his ‘Puritanism’ was intriguing. Mind wandered in bewilderness and Allama Iqbal’s couplet came to my rescue ;
Na pooch in khirka poshun ki , aqeedat hain tou dekh unko
Yed’e beyza liye beythey hain apnay aasteenun mein.
As he started speaking, reality started to unfold and let me realize that I am meeting a person who is evidence of Allama’s ‘banda e Moomin’ with Naram dum guftugu; Gharm dum justuju.
Being a teenager, I could not comprehend his entire scholarly speech, but that was effective enough to warm my heart. His profound eloquence, held me spellbound. The impact that he left is evident from the fact that even after a decade, I remember his closing note. ‘ Har ki ishq’e Mustafa (saw) samaan’e ost ; Behar’o bar darr  ghoshayey damaan’e ost ‘. Since then he has made a place in the heart and made me his admirer like thousands worldwide.
Allama Mohammad Ashraf Andrabi is one among few religious personalities of the valley who selflessly served the nation on social, political and especially on the religious front. Allama Andrabi was born in a Sayed family of the Andrabia Sufi Order in the home of Syed Mir Muhammad Amin Andrabi at Zadora of Pulwama District in 1926. Desiring to become a lawyer, Allama returned to his roots on the suggestion of his grandfather. As descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) the grandfather (Syed Ahmad Andrabi) advised his grandson to carry forward the mission of the family, i.e. to serve the deen of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). Allama thus joined religious seminary in Gujranwala, Pakistan (Where most of his relatives were residing). After that, Allama got admission in Darul-uloom Deoband Lucknow and studied there under the guidance of Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni.
After returning to the valley, Allama Andrabi started his career as a teacher in 1953 and at the same time appeared in religious congregations as a popular preacher. Meanwhile, Allama Andrabi joined Anjuman Tableegul Islam and worked in association with Syed Qasim Shah Bukhari for a long time. However, later he endeavored for reformation of the Ummah under the separate banner of “Dawat-e-Islami”— Urdu version of the World Islamic Mission, launched jointly by Allama Shah Ahmad Noorani of Pakistan and Allama Arshid-ul-Qadri of India as an international religious forum in 1973. The WIM, however; could not withstand the turmoil of 90’s thus came to halt in Kashmir, but Allama Andrabi continued his mission fervidly. Nevertheless, it is pertinent to note that, unlike present so-called scholars who engage in conflicts for name, fame and, publicity of their respective parties, the separate forums never mattered for Allama Bukhari & Allama Andrabi. It is on record, Allama Bukhari in his last days said; I’m seeing ‘Allama Andrabi’ as only the veteran scholar in the valley. Similarly, Allama Andrabi throughout his life revered Allama Bukhari for his highness, both in presence and after departure of Allama Bukhari.
Allama Andrabi after retiring from government service completely devoted rest of his life to serve Islam. He went to nook and corner of the valley to propagate religion. He never saddened inviters, in spite of extreme weakness; he participated in conferences, seminars, etc. until last with the only aim of disseminating knowledge and encouraging younger generation. Following Allama Qasim Shah Bukhari’s Vision, who established institutes across the length and breadth of state and believed education as the foundation of a nation’s progress, Allama Andrabi established seminary ‘Hamdania Mission School’ in Budgam in 1990. In the same year, he introduced Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri’s Minhaj-ul-Quran, its prospectus, and revolutionary message and other great scholars of south-Asia in Jammu and Kashmir. The purpose of which was to enlighten the Muslims of Kashmir, improve their perspective with regard to religion. He altruistically continued to strive and finally in 1993 succeeded in laying the foundation of ‘Darul-Uloom Shah’I Hamdan at Pampore’. The latter is not only educational institute but a huge welfare center also. It contributes tremendously to the welfare of common masses irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. Besides Darul-uloom Shah-e-Hamdan, which has provided many intellectuals, writers, and speakers to the society so far, Allama Andrabi established separate Dar-ul-uloom for girls in the year 2000 that is immensely contributing to the creation of a society of chaste people.
Giving the tongue to his great and constructive mind, Allama Andrabi employed his pen prolifically. He launched monthly magazine ‘Al-Misbah” in 2004 as the official organ of Darul-Uloom Shah-I-Hamdan that serves as source of illumination. Moreover, his pamphlets on diverse issues are not less than an asset for the Ummah. His writings are not mediocre, but insightful and scholarly collections, which impart vast knowledge to the reader. Allama Andrabi had also been interested in poetry, but owing to his deep-rooted attachment and devotion to beloved Muhammad (Pbuh), he restricted poetry mainly to the glorification of the Prophet (Pbuh) under the pen name ‘Aasim’. Also, apart from vocal rejection, he used his pen to decimate falsehood and nullified the erroneous belief that emerged from time to time. He openly opposed and exposed blasphemers like Salman Rushdie, Tasleema Nasreen, and their ilk. Thus sabotaged anti-Islamic efforts and protected the people of the valley from anti-Islamic influence.
Some available records indicate he was associated with Muslim League before partition. Needless to say, Allama Andrabi was politically sagacious and was very much concerned about the political situation in Jammu and Kashmir. In addition to his speeches (which couldn’t be recorded), his Urdu columns like, Kashmir –Janubi Asia Ka Palestine, Hind-Pak Taluqaat Aur Masalie Kashmir, Amaranth Shrine Board Ka Qazeiya Asbaab o Nataij etc. exist as proof of his Kashmir –centric political ideology.  
Despite having a multitude of devotees and great repute across sub-continent, Allama Andrabi led an ascetical life. He never claimed to be a scholar. When anyone would use ‘titles’ for him in honor, he would bar him. And use to say I’m a student not more than that.
On 9th August 2016, Allama Andrabi left for heavenly abode, leaving behind inspiring lessons for all. The versatile character has left footsteps for the scholars in the offing, which they need to follow to do justice to their responsibilities. For common masses also, his life history can serve as a beacon light to live a successful life.
Khudah Rehmat Kunad Een Aashiqaan’e Paak Teenat Raa
(May Allah’s blessings shower on his lovers with a noble soul?)
By Zeeshan Rasool Khan, hails from seer hamdan , writes on current socio-political issues and can be mailed at


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