Lesson of Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani

Mohi-ud-din Abu Muhammad Abu Saleh Abdul Qadir al-Jeelani (Al-Jeelani) was an illustrious ascetic and mystic who became famous for being eponymous founder of Qadriyah order of Sunni Sufism. He was Najeeb-u-Tarafaen Syed i.e., Descendent of Prophet SAW from both his parents. Al-Jeelani was born in a place called Neef, situated in Gilaan or Jeelan (Persia) and for this reason; he is remembered as Al-Jilani or Geelani. There are two narrations pertaining to his date of birth. According to first one, he was born on Ist Ramadan 470AH and second narration says it was 2nd Ramadan: however, there is consensus on second narration. From a tender age Al-Jeelani spent time in remembrance of Allah and attained a place that he is considered head of all Awliyas; (Saints, pious friends of Allah) which he also expresses in Qaseedah Gousia himself: I am Hassani and my abode is my cell, and my feet are on the neck of each Saint.
Besides a spiritual personage, he was great scholar and jurist who learnt at Jamia nizammia (In Baghdad): the world-renowned prestigious institute of its time. Al-Jeelani spent entire life in religious preaching and authored several books which continue to serve as a guideline for humans.  His conversation was always engaging, effective to yield positive change in character and an elixir to enliven the dead hearts. Sheikh Umar Kaisani writes that there was not a single meeting of Al-Jeelani, which did not witness non-Muslims embracing Islam, criminals making repentance and the misguided finding guidance. About his depth of knowledge, well-known jurist of the Hanbali school of thought Ibn e Qudamah says: "I did not see anyone more respected than him. Kings and ministers considered it their honor to attend his lectures, not to mention the scholars and jurists. A minimum of 400 inkpots was used to record his discourses. Though he had a humble personality, yet he was a savant with profound knowledge, wisdom and deep insight”.
 Al-Jeelani attributes all his grandness to knowledge and says; I acquired knowledge till I became a polar star and attained good luck through greatest lord. Polar star refers to guiding star used in celestial navigation, admitting himself as the guide for the ummah to bring them close to Almighty Allah.
However, a question arises which constitutes the theme of my writing is that in contemporary times we all acquire knowledge but hardly anyone of us reaches his stature. Interestingly, Al-Jeelani answers this question beforehand and says; which is mentioned in his books that for achieving height there are twelve qualities that a person needs to develop besides gaining knowledge. Two qualities from each Allah and his messenger Prophet SAW , four companions of latter Abu Bakr Al sideeq (First Caliph), Umar ibn Khitab (Second Caliph), Usman e Ghani (Third Caliph) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (Fourth Caliph)(May Allah be pleased with them all).Let's have a quick overview of these qualities that  Al-Jeelani wants us to evolve with. By two qualities of Allah he refers to "Al- Ghafaar and Al-Sataar". A person must produce attribute of Allah__ repeatedly forgiving and concealing of other's flaws. The name Ghafir is from Quran, present in many of its verses like; “And your lord is al-gafoor (the oft-forgiving), the owner of mercy (18: 58)”,While as the name "Al-sataar" finds mention in hadith of Abu Dawud (4012), In which  Prophet SAW says: Allah is characterized by modesty (al-Hayee) and Concealment (As-Sitteer) .Al-Jeelani asks his followers for being Qutb (the universal man) these two attributes of Allah has to be created within. According to Al-Jeelani; the two characters of Prophet SAW that can lead a person to perfection are;"Compassion and companionship ". Allah describes the compassionate/Kind demeanor of Prophet SAW in Quran as: "There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among you. Grievous to him is what you suffer, for he is concerned for you and to the believers, he is kind and merciful"(2:143). With regard to friendship/ genteelness of Prophet SAW Quran says; "Thus it is due to mercy from God that you deal with them gently, and had you been rough, hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you"(3:159).And at another place Allah says; "And truly you (Muhammad) possess great morals"(68:4).Al-Jeelani says following these etiquettes will raise person's stature higher before Almighty Allah. Likewise, Al-Jeelani offers a suggestion to aspirants of spiritual development, to produce the characters of four companions of Prophet SAW, for which they are known I.e., Truthfulness and Acknowledger of Truth: the identifying characteristic of Abu Bakr Al-sideeq (A.s).Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is reprehensible: Crux of Umar-Ibn-Khitab. Worship, submission, and devotion to the god and generosity like Uthman ibn Affan and last two are; Knowledge and Bravery; idiosyncratic to Ali Ibn Abi Talib. But it is noteworthy that here bravery doesn't mean suppressing others rather it entails to stand against falsehood, injustice for the sake of almighty Allah.
All the saints had a mission of purifying masses spiritually so as to raise them to the level wherein words of Iqbal, Allah would ascertain: ‘what is your wish?' Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani pioneered this assignment and changed lives of numerous. His teachings are before us that we ought to adopt before making claims of being his disciples. Rightly, if the message of Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani and his ilk is imbibed and embraced, radical changes in the world can be visualized. Those changes will off-course invigorate love, peace, and harmony.
May Allah guide us towards right-path, calling towards which is also the mission of his close friends; Saints.
Zeeshan Rasool Khan writes on current issues and can be mailed at mohdzeeshan605@gmail.com


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