(Biography of Ameer’e Shariat Syed Muhammad Qasim Shah Bukhari- R.a) By : ZEESHAN RASOOL KHAN A great Sunni scholar, Sufi, preacher, writer, journalist, and visionary leader Allama Syed Qasim Shah Bukhari (1910–2000) is one of the far-famed religious personalities of our valley. Even after decades of his death, he stands out to be peerless in all facets. Consequently, those who know him mention him with reverence and those not knowing desire to know him. For that reason, he has always been part of the research, intellectual conversations, and religious discourses and this is going on. Soon after his departure, his disciples, students, associates, and well-wishers expressed their opinions to pay tribute to their mentor. All those were recorded and published by Anjuman Tableegul Islam in its special edition of the official organ Monthly Al-Aetiqaad - Allama Bukhari Number (Feb. 2001). After that, Bukhari's student, a walking-encyclopedia, Molana Showkat Hussain Keng authored h...