BOOK REVIEW – PARENTS’ RIGHTS IN ISLAM - Social and Scientific Perspective

By – Zeeshan Rasool Khan There was a time when people would believe ‘Parents are next to God’. But, as the desire for materialism grew, most of us are no longer holding this opinion. Time has changed our priorities. While on one hand, we flauntingly celebrate days to honor parents but on the other hand, parents are not valued much in most families. Sanctity of the sacred Parent-Child relationship has become fouled in many households. Nowadays there exists disagreement of worst kind between parent and ward. Some homes have broken due to parent-child discord. Especially old-aged people are being maltreated and are having poignant tales to narrate. Ill-fated families prefer to get rid of them by consigning them to Old-age homes which have increased in number worldwide. The fact that Muslims are no exception to these acts makes the situation more depressing. Scholars, writers, clerics, and activists are making efforts to remove mistrust among youngsters and elders of the family a...