
Showing posts from November, 2020

Milaad’un Nabi (SAW) and Responsibility of Ummah

P rophet Muhammad (SAW) was born in Mecca in 570 A.D in the tribe of Quraysh, which enjoyed great prestige all over Arabia and the neighboring countries. It was the time when humans had lost humanity and were devoid of all the virtues. They had gone astray and were treating wrong as right. However, with the blessed birth of Muhammad (SAW), things changed greatly. The humanitarian characteristics reappeared. The prevailing social and religious evils steadily vanished. People found their lost track and sense of understanding of right and wrong redeveloped and improved colossally. All this transformation was possible owing to the exemplary, unparalleled, and pristine character of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which he displayed throughout his life especially when the opposition of enemies intensified. He was attacked with stones in Maidaan’e Taif. The garbage and waste of slaughtered camel was thrown on him. Thorns were laid down on his way to injure him, but he never lost his cool. He stood fi...